Compare Schools Cost Calculator

You can use this calculator to estimate your total costs before loans to attend Grand View and compare them to those at other colleges. The calculator doesn't save data, and it doesn't send the data anywhere. You can print your estimates or use it as many times as you want by selecting the "reset" button. The calculations will show you a comparison of your out-of-pocket costs before loans based on current GV tuition and fees.

2023-2024 Academic Year Costs (based on full-time enrollment) 

College College College
Grand View
Room & Board
?$10,942 - Knudsen Hall Double, All Access 5
$11,658 - Knudsen Hall Double, All Access 7
$12,286 - Langrock Suite, All Access 5
$13,002 - Langrock Suite, All Access 7
All commuter students are required to have a minimum meal plan at $80/semester.
Activity Fees
?All students activity fee = $ 210
Resident activity fee = $90
Technology Fee
Parking Fee
?Residents = $176/yr.
Commuters = $88/yr.
Total Costs
Grants & Scholarships
Awards / Grants
?Click to see the available awards. Estimate the award you may be eligible for. Or refer to your financial aid package for the actual amount awarded. Then return here and select the closest amount from the drop down.
Federal Grants
?All federal grants are based on need. Enter an estimated amount or refer to your financial aid package for the actual award.
Iowa Tuition Grants
?Enter an amount between $0 and $6,000 or refer to your financial aid package for the actual amount awarded. Need-based.
Scholarship 1
?You may use this line to enter another scholarship not previously accounted for.
Scholarship 2
Scholarship 3
Total Grants & Scholarships
Possible Out-of-Pocket Costs Before Loans 2023 - 2024 $33,240