
Grand View Statement on Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity

Grand View University aspires to serve a diverse community of learners- students, faculty, and staff- in an inclusive and equitable environment with the goal of empowering all to achieve their fullest potential. We recognize that all members of our community- past, present, and future- come to our campus from a diverse world. Our objective is to sustain a campus environment that is free from the power imbalances and institutional biases that contribute to systems of oppression, while preparing our students to stand against those inequities when they leave Grand View. Our commitment to an inclusive environment is rooted in our heritage as a Lutheran university, founded on the ideal of educational access for all, a heritage that embraces our responsibility to shape our graduates’ character and invite vocational exploration.

Grand View University is dedicated to the goal of an inclusive campus where people of diverse identities feel welcomed and empowered to shape our culture and processes. At Grand View University we view diversity through the collective or group and we welcome and affirm the thoughts and experiences each distinct member brings to our community of learners. Our definition of diversity includes race, gender identity, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, disability status, religion, national and geographic origin, language use, socio-economic status, first-generation status, military/veteran, or any other forms of self-identification. Grand View defines equity as fair treatment, access, opportunity and advancement for all people.

Guiding Values and Principles

  1. The Grand View community recognizes that all are at different stages of awareness and appreciation of diversity and encourages, educates, and challenges all to grow.
  2. We affirm the worth of all people, no one’s dignity or humanity is subject to debate.
  3. Strategic planning and implementation must include representation of the diverse and varied perspectives of our community and be made accessible to all stakeholders.
  4. Our work begins with the commitment to improve the campus environment. All are welcomed to contribute to the problem-solving process and expected to handle differences of opinion or perspective with respect.
  5. Planning should be rooted in data, stories, and the historical experience and the lives of our community, as much as possible.
  6. We are committed to continuous institutional assessment and improvement, and all members of our community are encouraged to do the same. 

Purpose of guiding values and principles:

  • To be the bridge from the diversity statement to the specific work/goals identified for the institution to undertake.
  • To help shape the discourse on diversity on the campus with the expectation that conversations will, at times, be difficult and uncomfortable.

Diversity Advisory Team

The Diversity Advisory Team is a consultative body of students, staff, and faculty that guides the campus forward so that the aspirations of Grand View’s Statement on Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity become our lived reality. This ongoing work includes:

  • Intentional promotion and collaboration with campus partners offering DEI related programs, including (but not limited to) the:
    • Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning
    • Multicultural and inclusive student teams and organization
    • ARAG (Anti-Racist Affinity Group)
  • Identifying policies and procedures that disadvantage members of our community and offer recommendations to address these barriers
  • Gathering regularly to evaluate, educate, and enact evolving policy and campus climate information


Heather Brady
Dr. Heather Brady
Dr. Josh Call
Dr. Josh Call
Dr. John Howe
Dr. John Howe
Miradieu Joseph
Miradieu Joseph
Steven Kellogg
Steven Kellogg
Alex Piedras
Alex Piedras
Michelle Prange
Michelle Prange
Carlos Rodriguez Rosa
Carlos Rodriguez Rosa
Myke Selha
Myke Selha
Simone Sorteberg
Dr. Simone Sorteberg
Dr. Trisha Wheelock
Heather Thomas
Dr. Trisha Wheelock
Dr. Trisha Wheelock