Native American Spirituality, National Ecumenical Student Conference, 1990
AIDS in America: An international perspective, Central College, 1998
When did I develop a fear of bathrooms? The impact of Violence against transgender and bisexual youth, National Association of Social Workers Annual Symposium, 1999
Political Activism 101, Equality Begins at Home Campaign, 1999
Beyond ramps: Making your organization more accessible, BECAUSE, 2001
The state of AIDS housing in rural Iowa, Statewide conference on housing and the homeless, 2003
HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C and Substance Abuse, Employee & Family Resources, Inc., 2003
Assessments: Asking the tough questions, Statewide conference on housing and the homeless, 2004
Diversity in the workplace: HIV, the ADA, and you, Central College, 2000-2004
An introduction to counseling with LGBT clients, Drake University, 2005
An introduction to the best medicines: Humor therapy, NASW, 2005
Counseling LGBT Youth, Governor's Conference on LGBT Youth, 2006, 2007
The Clinician's Guide to Sexual Identity Integration, Iowa Social Work Symposium, 2006
Lighten Your Load: humor therapy and self-esteem, Center and Reach Healing Retreat, 2007
Everything you Wanted to Know About CRAZY but were Afraid to Ask, Gay-Straight Alliances Conference, 2008
A Funny Thing Happened to My Viral Load, HIV Wellness Retreat, 2008
Substance Treatment for LGBT Individuals, United Community Services, 2008
Social Justice: The Forgotten Value, Social Work Symposium, 2009
Clinical Supervision, NASW, 2012, 2013, 2014
Mental Health Concerns of the LGBT Community, IA LGBT Health Initiative, 2014
Working with the Trans-Identified Client, Social Work Symposium, 2014
Body Image & Eating Disorders Awareness Week: Diversity Discussion, Iowa State U., 2014
Ethics Are Our Friends, Iowa Health Care Association, 2015
Mental Health Care for Trans-Identified Individuals, IA LGBT Health Institute, 2015
LGBTQ Youth Mental Health and Wellness, Iowa School Mental Health Conference, 2016
Dissociative Disorders, guest lecture for Community Nursing course, 2016
Ethical Clinical Supervision, NASW, 2014-present
The Role of the Group in Clinical Supervision, NASW, 2014-present
Using Emotional Intelligence and Affect Regulation, Operation Buttercup, 2017