Academic Success and Recovery

You Belong at GV!

You are a part of the Grand View family and we want you to succeed academically – and we also realize that sometimes things don’t go as planned. The resources found here are intended to support students at Grand View wanting to improve their academic success, including those with an academic standing of either warning or probation.  We have a variety of resources designed to support you, including tutoring, accessibility services, counseling and success seminars. See you next semester!

First Steps

For students who recently received a letter indicating they have an academic standing of warning or probation, meet with your academic advisor at the start of next semester – no later than the end of the first week of classes.

If your academic standing is warning

Academic warning is a program at Grand View University designed to support students at risk of falling below the academic standards needed to graduate. This standing does not show on your transcript and is intended to serve as a "warning" that improvement is needed. Students with an academic standing of warning are encouraged to make use of the Academic Learning and Teaching (ALT) Center and to seek guidance from their advisor to ensure they stay on track.

How Is Warning Determined?

  • Student cumulative GPA is above 2.0 but term GPA is below 2.0
If your academic standing is probation

Academic probation is a program at Grand View University designed to help students get back into good academic standing. Students with an academic standing of probation may be required to take the LIBA-105X Academic Success course or participate in success coaching. Your academic standing letter outlines the academic support program options for which you are eligible. 

How is Probation Determined?

  • Cumulative GPA is below required level for class standing (see Course Catalog for GPA requirements)
If you are the parent, guardian, or partner of a student

If your student is experiencing academic challenges, one of the best ways to help is to encourage them to take full advantage of the resources on campus:

To understand the definitions of Academic Warning or Academic Probation please refer to their respective sections above.  

  1. Recommend they meet with their Academic Advisor.
  2. Ask if they are using the ALT Center. This center helps students with Math, Writing and Academic Classes through tutoring. The ALT manager also can help students with time management, study skills, and other success skills.
  3. If your student is an athlete, they may also contact the Athletic Success Coordinator.

Additional Resources

Suggest your student work with the following, as appropriate:

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know the required GPA to return to good academic standing?
This information can be found in the Course Catalog.
What is success coaching?

Success coaching is a holistic support program. In success coaching, students identify academic and personal obstacles to success, and they meet regularly with the Student Success Program Manager to proactively address those concerns and strengthen their GV support network.

*The policies mentioned refer to Undergraduate Students only. Graduate students needing more information should contact Patty Williams at


  1. If you have a question about academic standing, please contact Kristin Dvorak, Registrar, at kdvorak @
  2. If you have a question about your course schedule, please contact your academic advisor or completion coach. You may also contact Bonnie Hall, Director of Faculty Advising at bhall @