Pre-Chiropractic Professional Program
Chiropractors, also known as doctors of chiropractic medicine or chiropractic physicians, diagnose and treat patients whose health problems are associated with the body’s muscular, nervous, and skeletal systems, especially the spine. Chiropractors believe that interference with these systems impairs the body’s normal functions, lowers its resistance to disease, and causes painful skeletal imbalance.
Grand View University does not offer degree programs in chiropractic medicine, but does offer course work to help students prepare to enroll in chiropractic programs elsewhere.
Why Grand View?
- Research opportunities and assistance in pursuing internships
- Highly individualized advising
- Small classes taught by faculty who are recognized as accomplished teachers and researchers
- State-of-the-art facilities and instrumentation
Recommended Courses |
Course requirements are primarily in the sciences, including one year each of introductory courses in chemistry, organic chemistry, physics, and biology, each with accompanying labs. Also, the mathematics prerequisite to physics is usually required.
Former Grand View Student Testimonial |
Originally from southern Iowa, Dr. Mara Wengryn had the dream of becoming a chiropractor since the age of fourteen when she had her first adjustment. Following high school, she attended Grand View University where she obtained a bachelor's degree in Biology, along with minors in Chemistry and Humanities. She then continued her education at Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, Iowa.
Today, Mara owns and operates her own practice near her hometown in Leon, Iowa called Honey Tree Chiropractic. Thanks to her education at Grand View, Mara believes that the anatomy and biochemistry curriculum gave her an edge in the beginning trimesters at Palmer.
Mara gives one piece of advice to students considering chiropractic school, "Don't think you want to become a chiropractor for financial reasons. Become one because you truly want to improve lives conservatively and holistically. Learn about chiropractic philosophy and make sure it is something you can be congruent with."
Student Testimonials |
Jori Avery
“Jori always takes the time to listen to my concerns and help develop a plan of action. She is knowledgeable and loves to share her wisdom. She was recently a student herself so she relates well to students here at GVU.” - Allyssa Angle
Dr. Bonnie Hall
“Dr. Hall helped me get back to Grand view.” - Blaze Kahikina
“I have been struggling with multiple health issues throughout this semester. Dr. Hall has gone above and beyond to make accommodations for me and to look out for me academically, physically, and emotionally. She is constantly pushing students to get the very best out of their education and creates inspiration in the daunting field of biochemistry. Because of Dr. Hall I have a greater love for biochemistry and for research. She has introduced me to multiple wonderful opportunities to help me grow and become a better scientist. Dr. Hall is a true inspiration to me and I can't describe in words how appreciative I am for all of her help and support. Thank you for being such an amazing mentor!” - Alli Rupert
“Dr. Hall helped me with my academic processes, like my class scheduling, change of major when I needed to, critical advising about biochemistry, and many more.” - Abubakar Barau
“She encouraged me and gave me confidence to get things done when I didn't think I could do it. She understood me, but also didn't let me take the easy way out.” - Grant Weldon
“She talked me through it when I felt lost in what major I wanted to pursue. She was honest and supportive of what I wanted to pursue and helped me feel at peace with my decision. She also helped by writing a recommendation for a scholarship. I really appreciate everything she has done for me and she really deserves to be recognized for it!” - Alexa Pinos
Dr. Corbin Zea
“Dr. Zea is always willing to help with more than just classes and is very easy to get along with and talk to. He gets to know students on a personal level rather than just as another student.” - Tyler Henze
“Dr. Zea is my advisor but has also been my professor for multiple classes. He always makes time for me even outside of his office hours. He is also one of the most enthusiastic professors I know.” - Sunnie Baumgartner
“Dr. Zea brings a whole other level of enthusiasm to his classes that you don't see from other professors. This makes classes more enjoyable and easier to learn.” - Elma Omanovic