Dr. Simone Sorteberg
Title: Associate Professor of Education
Dept.: Education
Office: Rasmussen Center 209
Academic History
- K-8 Reading Endorsement - Grand View University, Des Moines, IA (Spring 2018)
- Ph.D. Curriculum and Instruction (Emphasis on Assessment) - Capella University, Minneapolis, MN (2012)
- Published dissertation: "Teachers' Beliefs and Practices Regarding Neuromyths" (2012)
- Master of Arts: Social Studies Education - University of Iowa (2001)
- Bachelor of Arts: Anthropology - University of Iowa (1999)
Start Date at Grand View
Areas of Expertise
- Social Studies Education
- Educational Leadership
- Data Driven Instruction
- Urban Education
- Culturally Responsive Education
Research / Accomplishments
- Mixed Methods Study: Conducted mixed methods study on teachers' beliefs regarding neuromyths, which are beliefs that teachers hold from Brain-Based Education.
Personal Interests
- Swimming
- Hiking
- Water colors
- Music
- Spending time with family and dogs
Questions & Answers
What makes Grand View unique among other universities?
I chose Grand view because I love the students' willingness to engage in intellectual discussions with an open mind. I find that the small size of Grand View allows professors to provide individualized education to our students.
What is your favorite part about working at Grand View?
My favorite part of working at Grand View is collaborating with my colleagues and working with my students and advisees.