Getting Involved

Grand View University has launched the initiative "Creating a Caring Community." We aim to help students understand how they play a role in creating an environment that feels safe, welcoming, and respectful to all people. This includes developing the understanding that we all have a role in preventing sexual violence and learning behaviors to use every day that work to prevent harmful actions.
What Can I Do?
These are proactive behaviors that can help in creating a caring and safe campus:
- Having candid conversations about sexual pressures and expectations
- Reinforcing values of being a responsible bystander who has the courage and knowledge of how to intervene with potential concerns
- Challenging unhealthy gender norms, and promoting healthy norms and behavior
- Inspiring others to get involved and actively create a caring community
- Not participating in activities that support a culture where sexual assault can occur
- Supporting survivors
- Redirecting conversations and comments that are sexually degrading and harmful to others
- Inviting men to get more involved in helping to lead the effort in preventing assault
Risk-Reduction Ideas for Men & Women
- Check-in with your friends. If you see one of your friends being inappropriate or crossing another’s physical/emotional boundaries, check in with them and communicate what is wrong with that behavior. If you think one of your friends may be too intoxicated or feeling uncomfortable, check in! Take them to the bathroom to talk or create a distraction to get them away from the other person.
- Know your limit when it comes to alcohol. Know when to stop. Your body metabolizes about one standard drink per hour, which = 12 oz. of regular beer, 1.5 oz. of 80 proof liquor, or 5 oz. of table wine. Alcohol use increases your risk of engaging in sexual behavior that harms another person.
- Communication of sexual boundaries. Decide how far you are willing to go sexually (i.e. sexual acts you will and won’t do.) Communicate those limits clearly to your partner. Also ask your partner how far they are willing to go and respect their limits and boundaries.
- If you want to have sex with someone, ask permission. Get enthusiastic, on-going consent! Check-in with your partner throughout. Getting consent and checking in can sound like, “Is this okay?”, “Do you like this?”, “Let me know if you want me to stop.”, “Does that feel good?”
Grand View University is committed to providing all students, faculty, and staff a safe and healthy environment in which all members of our community can thrive and reach their full potential. We strive to enhance a culture that cares for one another, models healthy values, and steps in when others need help.
GVU prevention programming aims to help all members of the campus community become empowered to be part of the solution to end sexual and relationship violence. We offer opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to get involved and learn about how we can all play a role in preventing violence on Grand View’s campus.
Mentors in Violence Prevention |
Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) is the Bystander Intervention program led by Grand View students, faculty, and staff that facilitates discussions on harassment, sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, bullying, and other forms of gender violence.
MVP views all individuals not as potential perpetrators or victims, but as empowered bystanders who can recognize and confront harassment and abuse. MVP aims to inspire leadership by empowering individuals with tools to lead and concrete options to effect change in their peer cultures and across campus. MVP is done in most Core I Seminar classes to ensure incoming first-year and transfer students receive this education.
Contact kgordon @ if you would like to get involved with MVP.
Engage GV |
We believe all men have the capacity and desire to play a positive role in creating communities free from violence. As part of this belief, we assert that it is essential to approach men as potential allies rather than only as potential perpetrators.
This group’s mission is to mobilize men to use their strength for creating cultures free from violence, especially men’s violence against women.
They aim to stop violence before it ever happens. Instead of helping women reduce their risk of being victims of men’s violence, they focus on helping men use their strength in positive ways in all of their relationships.
Available Programs |
Do you want a GVU staff member to come to a club meeting or your classroom to do some education? Here are some programs we have available:
- Mentors in Violence Prevention
- Sexual Decision Making and Consent
- Healthy Relationships