Useful Resources

Whether you or someone you care about has been impacted by sexual or relationship violence, on campus and off campus support and resources are available to you.

It is entirely your decision if you tell someone, how you tell someone, and who you tell. Regardless of what you decide, there are many people at Grand View University who are committed to providing support for members of our campus community.

Please note that it is important for victim/survivors to know that the resources contained on this website can offer assistance even if you choose not to file a report or press charges.

On Campus Resources

The following confidential resources are only required to share information with campus resources who need to know to assist you in accessing services.

Heather Thomas
Director of Counseling Services
(515) 263-2986
hthomas @

Ruth White
Student Health Services
(515) 263-2823
rwhite @

Rachel Cohen
Director of Faith Life, Campus Ministry
rcohen @

The following individuals are designated campus officials for Title IX reporting:

Robert Patterson
Director of Residence Life

Dr. John Howe
Senior Student Affairs Officer

Heidi Pries
Associate Dean of Students

Erica Kluver
Director of Human Resources, Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Telehealth Counseling through Uwill allows students to select their own counselor based on preferences including availability, issue, gender, language and ethnicity for up to five sessions in a calendar year. They can also select times that fit their schedule including nights and weekends. Options for text and chat is also available. Uwill is Private. Secure. Confidential. Click here to register/login.

24/7/365 Mental Health Crisis help is available to students at 833-646-1526, connecting you with a licensed mental health counselor. (For medical emergency, call 911)

Off Campus Resources
National Resources

If you are in immediate danger, of seriously harming yourself, or being harmed by someone else, we recommend calling 911 or going to the nearest hospital emergency room.

If you are struggling with thoughts of suicide, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline can help at 988 or

Telehealth Counseling through Uwill allows students to select their own counselor based on preferences including availability, issue, gender, language and ethnicity for up to five sessions in a calendar year. They can also select times that fit their schedule including nights and weekends. Options for text and chat is also available. Uwill is Private. Secure. Confidential. Click here to register/login.

24/7/365 Mental Health Crisis help is available to students at 833-646-1526, connecting you with a licensed mental health counselor. (For medical emergency, call 911)

If you are in immediate danger, of seriously harming yourself, or being harmed by someone else, we recommend calling 911 or going to the nearest hospital emergency room.

If you are struggling with thoughts of suicide, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline can help at (800) 273-TALK (8255) or text 741741 for a Crisis Text Line.